Recent Why SERVPRO Posts

The SERVPRO® Experience

9/11/2024 (Permalink)

When faced with water damage in your home, it can be overwhelming. If you are in need of professional mitigation help, our job at SERVPRO is to make your water loss experience as smooth as possible. Our teams aim to make your family comfortable during the entire process. A water loss can feel like your home and normal life have been invaded. Unlike other restoration companies, SERVPRO® professionals have been trusted to restore properties of every type for over 50 years.

The SERVPRO® Experience

With more than 50 years of industry excellence, SERVPRO® professionals are well-trained to ensure a consistent and high-quality experience at every franchise location. When you reach out to your local SERVPRO® of Augusta, anticipate swift response times, convenient service, effective damage control, a wealth of experience from our teams, and access to extensive resources to expedite your damage repairs.

Timely responses to your call for help can mean the difference between restoring property or being forced to replace it. Replacement expenses are vastly greater than restoring and allow for a faster in-and-out scenario for a loss.

Our team's extensive experience in restoration services means there is no loss we haven't encountered and resolved for our clients. This experience brings knowledge and instills trust that tasks will be carried out swiftly and effectively.

Lastly, our vast warehouse of equipment and resources ensures our ability to handle large-scale losses for both water and fire damages no matter the size, including storm events.

If you find that you need SERVPRO® of Augusta South, call our office team at 706-750-0200.

Happy Mother’s Day From SERVPRO®!

5/4/2022 (Permalink)

Don’t forget that Mother’s Day is just around the corner this year on Sunday, May 8th! It is a special day a year that honors the matriarch of a family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.

Origins of Mother’s Day in the United States

 In 1872, American poet, author, and suffragette Julia Ward Howe asked for June 2nd, 1872, to be established as “Mother’s Day for Peace,” after the success of her 1870 “Appeal to womanhood throughout the world” (which would later be known as “Mother’s Day Proclamation”). The appeal was a pacifist reaction to the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. However, her request for the official holiday was not successful at that time.  

Thirty-four years later in 1905, schoolteacher and social activist Anna Reeves Jarvis began her campaign to make Mother’s Day a recognized holiday in the U.S., after her own mother’s death.  In 1907, she held the first Mother’s Day service at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia. The following year, U.S. Congress rejected a proposal to make Mother’s Day an official holiday, joking that they would also have to proclaim a “Mother-in-Law’s Day”. Despite this, Anna Jarvis was able to persevere as in 1911 all U.S. states were celebrating the holiday; some were even officially recognizing Mother’s Day as a local holiday—namely West Virginia, her home state. Finally, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation ordaining that Mother’s Day was to be held on the second Sunday in May and a national holiday to honor mothers.

How Mother’s Day Celebrated in the United States

In the United States, it is one of the biggest days for sales of flowers, greeting cards, and even long-distance phone calls. Church attendance also receives an uptick on that day, yielding numbers close to that on Christmas Eve and Easter. Many people like to get the carnations to celebrate their mothers, colored carnations for living mothers, white if she has passed. It is possibly true that the holiday could have withered away if not for the support and continuous promotion of the florist and commercial industries, as is continues to be one of the most commercially successful U.S. occasion.

If your family experiences an unforeseen fire or water damage this Mother’s Day, SERVPRO® of North Augusta is “Here to help. ®” Contact us 24/7,365 at 706-750-0200.

Prevention and Preparedness is Key

2/3/2022 (Permalink)

Image of a SERVPRO of augusta mitigation van in front of a large commercial loss we are working with From small to large emergencies, SERVPRO of Augusta can handle any size disaster - 706-750-0200.

Emergency Plans Can Save You Time and Money

SERVPRO® of Augusta aims towards achieving prevention of property damage before and during emergency water or fire damage. SERVPRO can help towards protecting your business through forming an emergency response plan that is tailored to your business. Preparedness is key. The goal of the plan is to help in familiarizing you with your property before a loss occurs so you can react quickly and with confidence to stop would-be extensive damages. Preventing damages can often mean that during a water or fire loss, being able to recall where water shut offs and gas shut offs are located can help to stop the source of the loss from furthering damaging your property.

SERVPRO Isn’t Your Ordinary Restoration Company

The SERVPRO system has over 1,900 franchises sprinkled across the United States, allowing you to find a SERVPRO near you – Quickly. Each franchise is capable of servicing from smaller deodorization projects to multi-story commercial water and fire losses. No matter the size loss, our team can handle any restoration need you have. Our team is expertly trained through IICRC certifications and testing, as well as conducting continuous field training amongst internal teams. Producing expert-level restorative practices and sharing this skillset with team members helps in succeeding to achieve customer satisfaction and care.

Continued Training Means Client Satisfaction

Achieving 5-star / Level-10 client satisfaction from our practices is our goal. SERVPRO of Augusta can quickly begin to restore your property including structural restoration, contents cleaning, textile cleaning, restoration practices and more. Our team achieves the highest level of client satisfaction through continued field training and offering all services needed to completely restore your property to preloss condition. Our teams are consistently continuing pathways to learning all they can about SERVPRO restorative processes and continuously learning how to best set expectations with customers on what to expect during our process.

Should you need SERVPRO services after an emergency water or fire loss, know that our team of experts aim to provide the best quality customer services, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Call our SERVPRO of Augusta team for emergency help, or for scheduling, 706-750-0200.

How New Year’s Came to Be

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Ancient History of The New Year

Most civilizations around the globe celebrate the start of a new year. Most celebrations begin December 31st (New Year’s Eve), which is the last day of the Gregorian calendar. Parties consisting of friends, food and fireworks can go late into the night and early into the morning of the 1st. New Year’s celebrations are a widely known practice... but where exactly did they originate from? 

The earliest recorded observance of New Year’s date back to the ancient Babylonians. The celebration would typically begin the first full moon following the vernal equinox, usually a day in the latter part of March with equal parts of sunlight and night. The Babylonians would have a huge religious festival called Akitu. Akitu would have a different ritual for each of the 11 days that it lasted. Akitu also was a symbol of the Babylonians sky god Marduk defeating the evil sea goddess Tiamat- which became a tool for early political use. It was during Akitu that a new king was crowned and put on the throne, or the current ruler was symbolically re-established. 

Did you know? In Egypt the New Year began with the annual flooding of the Nile River, which occurred simultaneously with the star Sirius. 

So, How Did January 1st Become New Year’s Day?

The founder of Rome Romulus created a calendar that consisted of 10 months and 304 days, which began at the vernal equinox as was tradition. In 8 BC King Numa Pompilius added the months Januarius and Februarius. As time went on the calendar fell uncoordinated with the sun, Emperor Julius Caesar solved this problem by conferring with the most accredited astronomers and mathematicians of his time. Together they created the Julian calendar, which bears the closest resemblance to the Gregorian calendar that is most in use around the world today. 

In medieval Europe Christian leaders replaced January 1 as the first day of the year. They temporarily replaced it with days carrying higher religious importance, such as December 25th (the day they believed to be Jesus’ birth) and March 25th (the feast of the annunciation). Pope Gregory 13th reestablished January 1 as New Year’s Day in 1582. 

Did you know? Julius Caesar had to add 90 extra days to his calendar in 46 B.C. to align his Julian calendar with the sun. 

New Years in the United States

In the U.S. the most iconic New Year’s tradition is the dropping of the ball in New York Times Square at midnight. People all over the world watch this event which has taken place almost every year since 1907. 

However, you celebrate New Year’s, you can feel safe knowing if an accident occurs SERVPRO® of Augusta is Here To Help® Give us a call at 706-750-0200

The Intricate History of Christmas

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

3 new SERVPRO vans at a facility, outside has a blue, cloudy sky Need SERVPRO this Holiday Season? Call us at 706-750-0200

How Did Christmas Start? 

Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25th and is considered a huge religious holiday as well as a commercial extravaganza. For 2 thousand years people around the world have observed the holiday by practicing traditions that are both secular and religious. People of the Christian faith celebrate Christmas as the anniversary of Jesus of Nazareth birth. While more secular practices and customs involve exchanging gifts, decorating trees, sharing the holiday with friends and family and of course- waiting to hear Santa Claus’s jingle bells on the roof.  December 25th has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870. 

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, Christmas celebrations were rowdy and raucous—a lot like today’s Mardi Gras parties.  

Yule and Saturnalia

The middle of winter has long been a celebration around the globe. People rejoiced during the winter solstice because the worst of winter was behind them, and they could look forward to longer days and more sunlight. In Scandinavia the Norse celebrated Yule from December 21 through the month of January. In observance of the return of the sun fathers and their sons would bring home logs and create fires, the people would feast for as long as the log burned. The end of December was also a cause for celebration because a vast majority of people would slaughter their cattle so they would not have to feed them throughout the winter. This meant this was typically the only time during the year that people had fresh meat. Meat also coincided with the timing of beer and wine being fermented and ready to be consumed. 

Winter were not as harsh in Rome, therefore the Roman people celebrated Saturnalia, a holiday that honored Saturn the god of agriculture. Saturnalia was a sybaritic holiday, food and drinks were plentiful and strict Roman practices were halted. For a month slaves were given temporary freedom and treated as equals, and businesses and schools were closed so everyone could participate in the holiday. 

Did you know? Rudolph, “the most famous reindeer of all,” was the product of Robert L. May’s imagination in 1939. The copywriter wrote a poem about the reindeer to help lure customers into the Montgomery Ward department store.  

Christmas Cancelled?

In the 17th century religious reform swept over Europe. Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan followers took over England in 1645 and they vowed to rid England of debauchery, meaning Christmas was cancelled. When Charles II retook the throne, Christmas was re-established by popular demand. 

The Pilgrims in America in 1620 possessed even stricter religious Puritan beliefs than Oliver Cromwell. As a result, Christmas was not a celebrated holiday in early America. In 1659 Christmas was outlawed in Boston and if anyone was caught exhibiting any Christmas spirit, they were fined five shillings. On the other hand down in the Jamestown settlement, John Smith reported that Christmas was enjoyed by all the settlers and passed without issue. After the Revolution English customs fell out of favor, including Christmas and it wasn’t until June 26, 1870 that Christmas was declared a federal holiday. 

Did you know? The first eggnog made in the United States was consumed in Captain John Smith’s 1607 Jamestown settlement.  

Christmas Reinvented

The turn of the 19th century brought about a fresh outlook on Christmas for American people. Americans re-invented the holiday and changed it from a noisy and disturbing carnival holiday to a peaceful family- centered day. That brings us to the invention of Santa Claus. The legend of Santa can be traced back to a monk named St. Nicholas who was born in Turkey in 280 A.D. St. Nicholas gave away all of his inherited wealth to the poor and sick which branded Old Nick as the protector of children and sailors. 

In 1822 an Episcopal minister Clement Clarke Moore wrote  poem called “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas”, well known because of its first line “T’was the night before Christmas”. The poem depicted Santa Claus as a jolly old man who flies to each home on a sled driven by flying reindeer to deliver toys to good girls and boys. 

Christmas is a jolly time. If an emergency does occur you can count on SERVPRO® of Augusta to be there for you. We are always Here To Help® 24/7/365. Give us a call at 706-750-0200 today. 

SERVPRO is Faster to Any Disaster

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

3 SERVPRO vans outside of garage and ready for deployment SERVPRO professionals here in Augusta, GA are ready for your call should you need us. Call 706-750-0200.

When dealing with Water, Fire or Mold – SERVPRO is Faster to Any Disaster.

When water damages occur, the wrong response team can cost you plenty. When water damages occur in your home, avoid the frustration of waiting for a team that will not show on time, or even worse, be a team that will not properly restore your home that later will lead to secondary damages and more headache. SERVPRO has the people, processes, and equipment necessary to execute the restoration process for every loss.

SERVPRO professionals will respond quickly with the appropriate equipment to help dry and protect your property. Our 1-4-8 process holds our teams to a highly regimented system that set expectations of the fastest industry response times. Why does showing up fast matter? When mitigating a water damage, standing water can quickly become a home’s worst enemy, affecting floor coverings, base boards and all your belongings that are touched by standing water.

Immediate water Damage Tips for a Property Owner:

  • Shut off the water source if possible.
  • Remove all excess water you can.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks under furniture to protect the furniture from rusting or swelling from moisture and water absorption.
  • Hang furs and leather goods away from water damaged areas.
  • Do not leave sentimental items, books, or other colored items on wet carpeting.

How SERVPRO Restores Properly

Other than crews attending and becoming certified through IICRC standards – the combination of the SERVPRO difference in Fast Action and Thorough Drying helps SERVPRO remain the leader in our industry in ability and quality of service.

Even small water damages have the potential to create serious structural issues over time. If you have question, need to call for scheduling for mold testing or fire damage help, call our team at 706-750-0200.

Stressed About Water Damage Repair? It Will Be Okay!

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

Dark basement with brown water filling the floor of the basement from a hot water heater and items in the basement floating. SERVPRO® crews are ready for any size job, at any time - Including extracting an entire basement covered with water from a hot water heater burst.

The SERVPRO® Difference for Water Damage Help

Confronting a water damage issue can be overwhelming, but one of our team’s top priorities is to make your water loss as smooth of a process given your home is need of professional restoration help.

Our teams aim to make your family comfortable during the entire process. A water loss can feel like your home and normal life have been invaded. Unlike other restoration companies, SERVPRO® professionals have been trusted to restore properties of every type for over 50 years.

The SERVPRO® Experience

With over 50 years of experience in providing industry excellence, SERVPRO® professionals have mastered the training necessary for making your personal experience with SERVPRO® standard at every franchise location. When you call your local SERVPRO® of Augusta, you can expect fast response times, convenient servicing, damage containment, an extensive amount of experience from our teams, and accessibility to vast resources to get your damages repaired as quickly as possible.

What Does this Mean for You?

Fast Response times are crucial to helping to minimize further damages. Expect for tidy, uniformed crews to arrive as quickly as possible with all equipment necessary to start work immediately. Our convenient servicing is accomplished through having over 1,900 franchise license locations through the United States, all offering excellent servicing no matter where you are in the U.S.

Timely responses to your call for help can mean the difference between restoring property or being forced to replace it. Replacement expenses are vastly greater than restoring and allow for a faster in-and-out scenario for a loss.

With extensive experience in restoration servicing, there is never a loss that our team has not faced and fixed for our customers. With experience comes knowledge and trust placed that work will be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Lastly, our vast resources include our ability to handle large-scale losses for both water and fire damages no matter the size, including storm events.

Selecting an Expert Means Less Stress.

If you find that you need SERVPRO services, call our office team at 706-750-0200, or contact us through our webpage under the Contact Us tab.

SERVPRO® Halloween Fire Safety Do’s & Don’ts

9/17/2021 (Permalink)

Holiday Fire Threats

Creating a spooky and scary Halloween vibe often relies on lighting effects in your home and yard. Jack-o-lanterns, candelabras and fog machines are classic props during spooky season. Even though these props are super cool, they also pose huge safety risks. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that Halloween decorations cause 800 house fires every year, which totals about $11 million in property damage. And that’s not accounting for the damage that can come to you if your costume meets an open flame. That’s why SERVPRO® of Augusta has created a list of Halloween do’s and don’ts to ensure that you have safe fun- without giving up the spookiness.


Most decorations are extremely flammable due to the materials that make them up. When purchasing items make sure they pass the safety check:

DON’T use a candle inside of your jack-o-lantern. Pumpkins can be easily tipped over by kids or pets and catch whatever it is surrounding on fire.

DO use an LED light, electric candles or glow sticks.

DON’T use hay bales, dried flowers or leaves or paper if they’re paired with a flammable decoration. Also don’t put flammable decorations in the path of any exits in case of emergency.

DO use flame-resistant and non-flammable materials if possible. Avoid having a wood burning fire inside if you believe it will be left unattended for any period of time.

Fact: More than a third of house fires are caused by misuse of candles during a holiday season as decoration.


Most Halloween costumes pose a fire hazard. When choosing a costume for yourself or your children only choose fire retardant materials. Avoid costumes that are bulky, hard to navigate in or have an excess of fabric. Coach children to stay away from live flames when at a Halloween party or trick-or-treating. Glow sticks and flashlights are a safe and easy tool for your kids to light their way during the night of festivities. If your child has a mask, make sure it is properly fitted to easily see. Review fire safety drills with your kids- such as STOP, DROP and ROLL.

Final Tips

Get ahead of the holiday by ensuring that your fire and smoke alarms are working and have fresh batteries. Check up with your neighbors to make sure they’re prepared for spooky season as well- as fires do spread. Have an evacuation plan in place in case of emergency.

In Case Of A Spooky Halloween Induced Fire, Call SERVPRO® of Augusta at 706-750-0200  and We’ll Make It "Like it never even happened."®

Augusta Home Water Damage - SERVPRO® Can Help!

8/20/2021 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO van outside of residential home in downtown Augusta Friendly SERVPRO® crews are always Here to Help. ®

SERVPRO® Means a Dependable Team

SERVPRO® of Augusta teams work efficiently to get rid your Augusta home water damage. Our crews are equipped with industry leading equipment. Using SERVPRO® drying equipment often means faster dry-time, and its low-profile design is helpful in drying small, hard to reach spaces such as crawlspaces, small closets, and attics.

In addition, the use of moisture detection equipment can aid our crews in locating potential problem areas otherwise not seen. Moisture readers help to see beyond walls and into wall cavities using thermal imaging cameras. Without thermal imaging equipment helping to detect what is behind your walls, trapped moisture can lead to unforeseen extensive damage such as microbial growth. Mold is a potential issue whenever there is excessive moisture in a home for an extended period of time. Thermal imaging cameras combat the need to remove sections of sheetrock or flooring that would have extended the process which helps to save time and money.

Providing Quality Service for YOU

With a rise in Coronavirus cases this year, SERVPRO® aims to provide peace of mind in a potentially hectic environment after a water damage. Equipment that is deployed from our SERVPRO® operations center is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after each service.

SERVPRO® of Augusta standard is for our crews Emergency Service vehicles to be fully prepped and Faster to Any Disaster. ® Crews are accustomed to responding to all types of emergency services such as water damage, fire damage, and/or biohazards. Each SERVPRO® technician has a comprehensive education in both the prevention of and handling mold infestations from IICRC.

In addition, crews can provide the following system services:

  • Soot and Smoke Restoration
  • Dehumidification
  • Mold Mitigation and Remediation
  • Catastrophic Storm Response
  • Document Drying
  • Pack-In and Pack-Out Capability
  • Air Duct and HVAC Cleaning
  • Carpet, Upholstery, Drapes and Blinds
  • Ceilings, Walls and Hard Floors
  • Deodorization

When Disaster Strikes, You Can Be Ready

SERVPRO® of Augusta is available 24/7/365 to answer your call at 706-750-0200. Crews and technicians are ready to serve you and your family should you need SERVPRO® services.

Martinez Extraction & Drying – Why Call for Professional Water Cleanup?

5/3/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO equipment at work. SERVPRO uses the latest technology and equipment when it comes to water restoration services. We are fast and immediate to your property.

SERVPRO is there when you have burst pipes or interior flooding in Martinez – Contact us for rapid water cleanup!

You have complex systems that feed into your Martinez property, including water supply lines. Should you have a water incident like burst pipes, you need to address it fast to lessen the development of costly secondary damage and the loss of belongings. SERVPRO offers 24/7 response so that you can guarantee someone will be at your door to begin water removal services within hours of your call.

Why is it better to go with skilled technicians for water cleanup in Martinez?

Water damage remediation in Martinez, extraction, and drying are not usually suitable for a DIY project. SERVPRO is the number-one team in the area offering:

  • Pack-Out services to remove contents for cleaning or drying off-site. This allows our crew more room to work on effectively removing standing water and implementing drying techniques.
  • Moisture detection to find hidden pockets where water may have penetrated your ceilings, flooring, drywall, and even concrete.
  • Controlled demolition, as needed, to replace unsalvageable building materials. 

Some of the equipment we bring to emergency services water damage calls include:

  • Pumps and Extraction Units
  • Extraction tools like hard surface wands, light wands, weighted rovers, and self-propelled tools
  • Dehumidifiers, air movers, drying mats, and more

Do you need help with water cleanup, and you require assistance fast? SERVPRO of Augusta provides emergency response day or night. Call us at (706) 750-0200 to have a crew dispatched to your location for assessment.

Want Lasting Mold Damage Remediation in Augusta?

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

mold damage SERVPRO has IICRC trained professionals for any size disaster. Mold especially, it may cause more harm than you know.

Following EPA protocols is why SERVPRO's anti-mold approach works.

Be wary of mold removal contractors promising complete elimination of both active outbreaks and all spores. Mold spores will always be present in your home, and many more daily hitch a ride inside on shoes, paws, and clothing. The trick to coping with the constant threat of mold growth is moisture management. 

Why SERVPRO for Mold Remediation? 

Chronic leaking or high humidity expose homes in Atlanta to mold damage risks. IICRC training stresses the relationship between water and mold growth. Water damage and mold remediation are key offerings on our service menu, why SERVPRO has a unique perspective, resolving both by:

  • Locating mold and moisture
  • Planning for mold containment and removal 
  • Disposing of moldy materials according to local regulation
  • Applying EPA-registered antimicrobials to previously moldy surfaces to inhibit rebound
  • Arranging for the repair of the leak or reduction in humidity to limit future mold growth

Training in multiple waters and microbial damage mitigation and remediation strategies is why SERVPRO of Augusta succeeds in mold abatement where others fall short. Call (706) 750-0200 for a consultation.

SERVPRO® of Augusta Helps Stop the Spread

12/31/2020 (Permalink)

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned Table Tent at local restaurant Local businesses choose SERVPRO® of Augusta to be Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned. Call today to become CSC too, 706-750-0200

Combating COVID 19 /  Coronavirus

SERVPRO® of Augusta Can Help You Stop the Spread within your Augusta business or home. Throughout the year 2020 many communities have been greatly impacted and plagued by the COVID 19 / Coronavirus. Recognizing the need for a trusted leader to emerge with a product to help combat the virus, SERVPRO® has formulated SERVPROXIDE. SERVPROXIDE is an EPA registered product that helps to protect local businesses, staff, customers, and families alike to regain sense of safety through disinfecting and sanitizing. Many Augusta businesses have fought back through protecting their staff and customers using SERVPROXIDE application.

Reacting to a Need

The demand for SERVPROXIDE has greatly increased in the winter months as a rise in cases climb due to seasonal affects. The product has several types of application options, most popular is our electrostatic fogger.

Electrostatic Fogging of SERVPROXIDE

SERVPROXIDE is an EPA registered product and using our electrostatic fogging equipment, it can be applied as a very fine mist. The fine mist is attracted to all hard surface areas, even the tightest of spaces. This helps to hit all hard-to-reach surfaces including all high-touch point areas such as: light switches, door handles, keyboards, desk chairs, countertops, and many more. These high-touch point areas are more likely to have come in to contact with the COVID 19 virus.

Conducting Proactive and Reactive Cleanings

We offer two types of sanitizing and disinfection options. Proactive Cleaning, this is determined by recognizing there was not been any knowledge of contamination from COVID 19 and is strictly preventative. Reactive Cleaning is conducted when there has been a confirmed active case of COVID 19 virus in the space, thus SERVPROXIDE is needed to be applied to help kill the virus upon contact.

Fast Response Times

Not only do we offer precautionary steps and reactive steps towards the fight against Coronavirus, but we also conduct wipe downs of all hard surfaces as an extra precautionary measure. Our team of experts are available 24/7 to give you quotes and an intended schedule for a professional sanitization or disinfection conducted by SERVPRO® of Augusta crews and technicians. We are prepared to limit contact and wear the proper personal protective equipment to keep you and yours safe.

Would Like a Quote? Call us at 706-750-022 for a quote and scheduling options.

Martinez Residents Find their Inner Artist This December.

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

Paints in cups Take time to relax and enjoy Holiday Sip and Paint, as SERVPRO remediates your homes fire damage. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

The Holiday Sip and Paint Event Starts on December 12 and is Open to All Residents of Martinez.

The Sip and Paint classes are opening up again this Christmas for Residents of Martinez to find their inner artist. Local artist Candice Henderson runs the courses to encourage all ages and abilities. The location is the Studio Neighborhood Bar on 11th Street. Guests are provided with canvases, paintbrushes, materials, and drinks. Local DJ Doc Bangers delivers the soundtrack for exploring your creativity under the tutelage of an experienced artist. Tickets are available now with Pkcreate and AC Inc. running December's class from 7 pm until 10 pm on December 12. Artworks can be purchased directly from the Paint and Sip website, while virtual painting classes are available.

  • Tickets are bookable from the Studio Neighborhood Bar directly. 
  • Virtual classes are bookable for up to 100 guests.
  • Paint and material packages are delivered directly to your door for virtual courses. 

Housefires can cause extensive smoke and odor problems in your home. To get help returning your home to its preloss condition, contact SERVPRO of Augusta at (706) 750-0200.

Holiday Treats Cooking Class in Augusta

11/25/2020 (Permalink)

mold growing on white drywall in a corner Let SERVPRO remove the mold in your home while you enjoy making cookies.

Augusta Kicks Off the Holidays with this Annual Cooking Class

Join the Saturday Chef Community Cooking Class on December 5, 2020. The topic is holiday treats. You will learn how to make unique recipes that can add something new to your Christmas get-togethers. It is a hands-on class taught at Helms College culinary labs. Professional chefs share their knowledge and teach participants how to create one of a kind edible delights.

Sign Up & Enjoy Learning Something New

If you make the same kind of cookies every year and want different treats or branch out into something new, this is the class for you. It only happens once a year, and you do not want to miss out. You need to pre-register and call (706) 651-9707 or email to sign up. The cost is $90 per person.

Enjoying the Holidays 

SERVPRO of Augusta offers mold remediation services to the Augusta community. Mold should never be ignored.

Our crew does not plan on ignoring the Christmas cookies and holiday fun in the area. SERVPRO hopes to see you at some of the local events. Contact us at (706) 750-0200.

How Can Homeowners Be Proactive in Preventing Water Damage in the Bathroom?

10/27/2020 (Permalink)

commode water leak and sewage SERVPRO can clean up up possible biohazardous bathroom leaks in Augusta homes. Why SERVPRO? We can do it all for restoration.

No One Wants to Deal with Water Damage in Their Augusta Homes – These Steps Can Help Prevent That Problem

Bathrooms and water go hand in hand. Bathtubs get filled, running water at the sink, and toilets hold water. All of this can be a potential disaster in Augusta homes. A lot of splishing and splashing goes on in the bathroom, leading to problems if not addressed immediately.

What Are the Water Damage Risks?

Water can cause any number of problems. If left untreated, it causes floors to warp and stain floor coverings. Mold develops quickly in bathrooms and can rapidly spread into other areas of your home. Drywall can swell, and laminate flooring can become permanently damaged. If the seals around the tub, sink, or toilet are damaged, flooding becomes a risk. All of these problems can lead to needing water mitigation in your Augusta residence.

Proactive Steps to Prevent Water Damage

Bathrooms are busy places. Families with children know how much moisture can spread quickly when little ones are bathing or washing their hands. But there are certain things any homeowner can do to minimize the risks. These include:

  • Mop up spills right away. Wipe the bathroom floor dry after baths to ensure no moisture is left to seep into the flooring.
  • Make sure the toilet stays unclogged. Only flush toilet paper.
  • Check seals and caulking around tubs and sinks.
  • Examine grout and make sure it is not degrading.
  • Shower curtains and bathmats are a must to protect against spills.
  • Use the exhaust fan when showering or bathing.
  • A dehumidifier can help reduce the risk of mold developing

If you find yourself in need of water mitigation, SERVPRO' IICRC technicians have the equipment, experience, and expertise you want. We provide water extraction and drying services to restore your bathroom to preloss condition, if possible.

Contact SERVPRO of Augusta at (706) 750-0200 for professional water damage service. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

SERVPRO Means Less Stress for You

10/26/2020 (Permalink)

AIR MOVER STACK Stacks of SERVPRO of Augusta South Air Movers are Clean and Ready for Deployment to your home or business

Why choose SERVPRO of Augusta South as your water damage cleanup company?

Advanced Drying Equipment = Less Drying Time Needed

SERVPRO uses scientific drying principles relying upon specialized equipment to detect, measure, and monitor your property’s moisture levels. Recent advances like our infrared cameras, can help our crews detect water and moisture potentially trapped in wall cavities, ceilings, and floors.

SERVPRO’s investment in new, advanced equipment will help dry your home from water damage quickly. The less drying time needed, the less time your home is disrupted by fire damage or water damage. Not only is SERVPRO equipped with the highest standard of drying equipment, we have processes in place for the fastest response times to get to your emergency water damage.

Faster Response Times = Less Extensive Damage to Your Home

Timing is Everything when disaster strikes. When you have water damage in your Thomson home or business, the longer standing water sits, the worse the damage gets. SERVPRO fast response times help reduce secondary water damage. SERVPRO of Augusta South crews uphold themselves to a 1-4-8 Service Response System.

1 is for one-hour to respond to your call and schedule a time for SERVPRO crews to be dispatched

4 is for four-hours to arrive on site to your emergency and begin placing equipment if necessary

8 is for eight-hours to communicate with you for a scope of what work is to be completed going forward 

We at SERVPRO of Augusta South pride ourselves in helping our community preserve their homes. Being local to you, we have the 1-4-8 Service Response System in place to do just that. Our mitigation vehicles are always stocked with equipment and the necessary tools to respond quickly to your call. SERVPRO has several satellite locations throughout the CSRA, fully stocked with equipment to help service even the largest of water damages.

Need Emergency Water Damage Help in Waynesboro? Call SERVPRO of Augusta South at (706) 843-1990

Does My Entire Augusta Kitchen Floor Need Removal After Flood Damage?

8/23/2020 (Permalink)

puddle of water on the floor To ensure there are no lasting effects of flooding, you need a professional to handle cleanup. Contact SERVPRO for professional remediation services.

SERVPRO techs use advanced detection equipment to ensure they only remove areas of the floor in Augusta properties that require extraction and drying

One of the most frustrating aspects of floodwater in your Augusta home is that it is impossible to determine all areas affected by it by sight. Because water follows the path of least resistance, it can run down walls, behind baseboards and seep under tile and wood flooring rapidly winding up far from the entry point. SERVPRO techs have multiple types of moisture and temperature detection equipment that can show the techs the path the water took once inside the home enabling for a complete removal. Through the use of this equipment, the techs only need to remove tiles that show water underneath and the rest can remain in place, saving the homeowner the cost of replacing an entire tile floor.

How Can SERVPRO Remove Flood Damage From a Subfloor?

Water that causes flood damage on your Augusta floor may seem overwhelming in terms of how to clean it up. While much of the water may have receded, the areas it went into need attention. The subfloor frequently has issues from floodwater, and after the removal of the carpet or tile above it, the techs can extract and dry using specialized devices specifically for delivering air into this type of surface like drying mats. SERVPRO technicians have extensive experience and the advanced equipment to locate and extract the problem areas throughout the job site such as:   

  • Use of weighted extractor heads on carpet and upholstered items
  • Performing of controlled demo to open up walls and floors as needed for removal and drying
  • Water between levels in the floor joists needs special handling to ensure it gets completely dried

Equipment Needed for Floodwater Cleanup  

It would be impossible to get professional results from using a shop vac and regular consumer-grade fans to restore an Augusta home from floodwater. SERVPRO techs bring an array of advanced equipment to a home that needs cleanup such as:   

  • Portable pumps to move quickly throughout an area for rapid water removal
  • Air movers and most importantly dehumidification units to capture and port away moisture as it gets raised during the drying process
  • A host of professional-grade cleaning agents to neutralize odors, bacteria and microbes

Using substandard equipment can take days and sometimes weeks to dry a structure. The air movers the techs use handle that drying of a home much more quickly. Monitoring the air moisture levels during drying is crucial to ensure the restoration services stay on track.

Mold is a potential issue whenever there is excessive moisture in a home for longer than a short period. SERVPRO techs have comprehensive education in both the prevention of and handling mold infestations. The techs have access to EPA-registered cleaning solutions and specific antimicrobial cleaners to limit the potential of mold colony establishment and growth. If mold gets found during the cleanup, the techs can contain the area and remediate the issue before it becomes a large-scale problem. Afterward, treatments such as antimicrobial sealants ensure there will be no return.

What Items Get Disposed Of During Floodwater Removal?  

There are a few factors that weigh in on what articles within the home get written off as non-restorable. One of the main determinants is how rapidly the cleanup began and if the water that entered the home contained bacteria or other contaminants. Anything that absorbs this type of water cannot get restored, however non-porous items exposed to the water but without taking any of it on may have the potential for sanitizing and reuse.

Cleaning stations are a common sight during the mitigation process. As items get brought out of the work area, another tech inspects it, photographs it and writes a detailed report of the actions taken. This keeps everyone involved on the same page for every phase of the cleanup.

Once the floodwater cleanup efforts complete, the SERVPRO crew chief can walk through the process that just happened and go over the actions taken from start to finish with the homeowner and adjuster. This not only ensures everyone gets informed, it also is a good way to ensure the homeowner is happy with the restoration job.

SERVPRO of Augusta at (706) 750-0200 is ready to handle any size flood damage in your home with their comprehensive training and advanced equipment. They can extract the water and minimize the amount of replacement needed to get your home back to the way it was, "Like it never even happened."

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

5/27/2020 (Permalink)

Table tent signs describing the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program on top of a wooden table. Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open in Augusta, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Augusta today at (706) 750-0200 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

Water Damage in Augusta

4/12/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Has Professional Equipment to Win Against Water Damage in Augusta Properties

Water damage is one of the most devastating blows that can happen in a property. The longer the cleanup gets delayed, raises the potential for loss.

SERVPRO technicians have a considerable array of professional equipment to tackle water damage in Augusta residences. The number one goal of the technicians is to save homeowners the cost of replacement whenever possible.

A professional water cleanup job is more than just removal of the moisture. The techs have the training and advanced equipment not only to handle the extraction of water but also to determine the scope of the loss using their moisture detection equipment. Other actions to assist in drying include:
    •    Removal of damaged sheetrock to open wall cavities
    •    Drilling of weep holes to allow for drainage
    •    Dry passes over surfaces to ensure the maximum removal

How Can Water Loss Get Dried Completely?
Household fans cannot deliver the airflow to penetrate within weep holes or floor joints where baseboards got removed. The techs have specific drying equipment to force warm, dry air into tight spaces such as the InjectiDry system or building custom containment using plastic and directing the air from an air mover into the area.

SERVPRO of Augusta at (706) 750-0200 has certified technicians available 24/7 to restore properties with water damage and make it, “Like it never even happened.”

For more about Augusta click here.

Why SERVPRO Water Removal Surpasses Expectations in Augusta

2/7/2020 (Permalink)

Flooded laundry room Don't let excess water ruin your day. Call SERVPRO, we will take care of it for you!

When Our Technicians Arrive, They Immediately Take Action Using SERVPRO’s Methods for Properly Handling Water Events on Your Augusta Property

Everyone has a cleaning scenario that sticks out in their mind as the worst, but a water loss in Augusta is an entirely different level of chaos. Although a minor spill can be managed with a bucket and mop or consumer-grade shop vac, many home water emergencies involve hundreds if not thousands of gallons of water if a burst pipe or broken appliance operates for even a few minutes before someone shuts the water off.  

Despair Turns to Hope

When Standing ankle-deep in your utility room after the water heater ruptures, give new meaning to the need for water removal in Augusta. Most homeowners do not know what to do next, why we exist as a resource for our community. Our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-trained employees learn about the science of water extraction and structural drying, using proven, research-based techniques to dry your home promptly and thoroughly.

Many Hands and Tools

Speed is of the essence when managing water losses, why SERVPRO adjusts the number of technicians and the inventory of equipment used at each site. Water removal projects share similarities, but we assess every scenario individually, accounting for differences in layout, building materials, and the source of the damaging water. Once we put a plan in place, our crews extract the liquid water rapidly, far faster than a DIY effort. Several crew members managing appropriate equipment facilitate the tasks in a matter of hours rather than days or longer.

Detecting, Measuring, and Monitoring

Throughout the water removal project, water can migrate to building cavities and into structural components. The spread of moisture to “invisible” spaces is why SERVPRO uses sensitive detection and measuring devices. It takes training and time to learn how to use these tools properly. We try to have the same technician sample using the tools throughout the project so that data is consistent. We use the initial readings to set drying goals and then monitor to make sure we achieve but do not overshoot the mark. 

Experience using cutting edge equipment is why SERVPRO of Augusta exceeds industry standards and customer expectations. We answer when you call (706) 750-0200 twenty-four-hours a day every day of the year.

Learn more about Augusta.

Fire Damage Restoration In Your Augusta Home

1/19/2020 (Permalink)

fire damaged property Kitchen fires require technical understanding as well as professional know-how to mitigate and restore.

Grease Fire Damage Restoration for Augusta Residents

Cooking fires are among the most common cause of the fire, accounting for 44% of all residential fires in the US. These usually occur from grease or animal fats, which ignite rapidly and can be very difficult to smother before extensive harm. Avoiding kitchen fires involves keeping an eye on high fatty products such as bacon throughout cooking. You may also want to clean pots, pans, and the walls or shelving directly above your stove to prevent the buildup of grease- which can become additional fuel when pans catch fire. If you witness a pan catching fire, turn off the heat and smother it immediately using a metal lid to cut off oxygen.

Responding quickly can help to reduce fire damage in your Augusta home, but it does not prevent it altogether. Typically the countertops remain safe from harm while cabinets directly above the stove and ceiling suffer massive amounts of smoke damages. It is not uncommon for wooden cabinets directly above the furnace to become so severely charred that removal and replacement of the door or assembly entirely are necessary. Fire and smoke damage restoration technicians (FRST) of SERVPRO are qualified to assess which items in your kitchen are salvageable.

Extinguishing a fire is just the first step in your home's recovery process. At this stage, it is vital to avoid introducing water to the affected area. Grease-based soiling does not respond well to water, and you may end up spreading soots or setting them into the surfaces you are trying to clean. Opening windows can help to ventilate some odors while placing sheets or old fabrics over the countertops, and on the floor underneath the ceiling, soiling can help to prevent falling soots from causing additional harm. SERVPRO technicians use pre-testing materials to assess the PH balance of soots or smoke residue to determine the correct cleaning method.

There may be some removal of kitchen components during the restoration procedure. In flash fires like this, there is a chance that the enamel of upper cabinets melts, leaving exposing the wood behind. Exposing the wood can lead to severe charring, in which case the assembly needs removal and replacement. In some situations, a SERVPRO technician can apply water pressure or soda blasting to the affected surface and refinish it to a good standard.

Kitchen fires require technical understanding as well as professional know-how to mitigate and restore. Contact SERVPRO of Augusta at (706) 750-0200.

For more about Augusta click here.

Protecting Your Anoka Home After Storm Damage and Flooding

12/29/2019 (Permalink)

A tree laying on the roof of a home. When you have storm damage to your Anoka home, the home will need to be protected from all elements.

Let us break down some of the ways to protect your Anoka home from storm damage.

There are many steps that our SERVPRO team can take to protect your home after a destructive storm passes through Grovetown. With many homes that can become structurally damaged by powerful weather events, how our professionals manage multiple job sites in the same region is a defining trait of our years of service. Intense storms can uproot trees and circulate debris at high velocities, which can cripple structural elements under the right conditions, break windows, or destroy siding or roofs.  

Because torrential rains accompany severe weather events, storm and flood damage in Grovetown homes happen simultaneously. Addressing these emergencies involves a collective effort between the licensed general contractors of our team and our certified water restoration specialists. Addressing any structural breaches must happen first, and that is what makes the emergency services our technicians and contractors provide so vital to flood recovery. Starting immediately upon arrival, our team can work to tarp compromised roofing, board up missing windows and holes in the structure, and start tree removal. 

Tarping the Roof 

A common structural concern during destructive weather events is the roof. When holes exist, or any underlayment becomes exposed, water can find its way into the house. Tarping up the roof involves fitting a tarp over the compromised regions of the roof and securing it in place with pieces of wood. This process can prevent water penetration until mitigation completes, and full build back can begin. 

Board Up Services 

Board-up serves two specific purposes: it seals off the inside from external exposures of further water intrusion, cold weather, or other threats. Also, sealing up broken windows prevents creatures from getting into the house when it is vulnerable. Board up is another immediate service that can happen when our contractors arrive at the house and perform the necessary threat assessments. 

Tree Removal 

Our in-house general contractors are also licensed to safely and effectively remove trees from the property once storms have dropped them. Even those that have broken through the house, we have more than 150 years of combined experience to cut the tree into manageable portions and remove it from the area so that full-scale build back can start after extraction and drying of the flood effects. 

We have the experience and the training to address pressing flood and structural concerns when we first arrive at damaged homes. Our SERVPRO of Augusta team can help you however you need by calling (706) 750-0200. 

To find out more about Grovetown, click here.

Proof that SERVPRO is Exactly the Remediation Company in Augusta That You Are Looking For

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

Why Should You Handle Your Remediation Process in Augusta Alone?

We are not a team of restoration professionals that can knowingly provide subpar services to Augusta home and business owners amid a crisis. Where many restoration services might gouge you in your time of need, or team wants to help you get your home back to preloss condition quickly. We showcase this in our talent acquisition and retention, as we have more than 150 years of combined experience in the restoration fields. We work to provide a ‘Level 10’ mentality that goes the extra mile for our customers, and that is why our team has acquired more than 1000 highly positive reviews about our service online.


While we might not be the only game in town when it comes to storm damage recovery in Augusta, we are a team that can offer a truly comprehensive experience beginning the moment that you reach out with our emergency line. We have fast responding technicians that can identify the threats to your property immediately and take the necessary precautions to best protect your home and its occupants from further damage. Our fast and thorough inspection of the storm damage can ensure that the right mitigation steps get taken quickly.

Because our team has become rounded off with a full-service contracting division, we can offer Augusta properties recovery solutions that exceed their expectations. Keeping restoration and build back all in-house reduces both cost and time to complete. This same dedicated team of professionals helped our customers and others throughout neighboring regions through the devastation that hurricanes Harvey, Florence, and Michael left behind.

Storms can quickly threaten Augusta homes with little warning, leaving many property owners contending with the devastation of flooding. Our technicians have accreditations through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) in water restoration, structural drying, and even mold remediation to help address the hurdles that often accompany severe water loss incidents.


Lingering moisture after the storm events that can threaten the area, elevated relative humidity (RH) or inadequately dried water damage can lead to mold growth in Augusta homes. As detrimental as this situation can become, if discovered early enough, it does not have to reach the point of getting out of control. We have a full division of qualified IICRC-Certified Applied Microbial Remediation Technicians (AMRT) to help with practical approaches designed to preserve the damaged material beneath the colonies.

We have a full line of SERVPRO products that can help to address nearly all aspects of the presence of mold in your property. From deodorization to antimicrobial agents, we have potent botanical-based options that are safe on the environment, those exposed, and pets. These powerful products can eliminate spores on contact, reducing the concentration of these colony-forming microorganisms throughout your damaged Augusta home.

Mold damage to Augusta properties takes a toll on the homeowner and other occupants of the house, as it might get determined that the best solution is to vacate the property until the right remediation steps have completed to make the property safe for occupancy again. We understand that your family might become displaced by this disaster, so we work to deploy our HEPA filtering tools and media/soda blasting equipment to remove active colonization as promptly as we can.


As much as we pride ourselves on having more than 150 years of combined experience in all niches of the restoration industry, perhaps an even more significant accomplishment is our more than 60 years of combined experience in the water restoration niches alone. With water recovery being an everyday staple to the work that we do for Augusta home and business owners, having an experienced team of professionals ready to mobilize quickly can save you time and money.

We do not cut corners when it comes to restoring the water damage in Augusta homes, and that starts with having advanced equipment and products that can help through every phase of recovery. With commercial drying equipment like our hundreds of air movers and dozens of desiccant dehumidifiers, we can quickly reduce humidity and moisture levels within a home to manageable parameters. The sooner we can get these levels under control, the less persistent damage a property endures, and the less likely secondary effects like mold growth could occur.

Being a respected name in restoration services begins with being there for Augusta homeowners when they need us the most. No disaster strikes at a convenient time, and that is why our production vehicles stay stocked with extractors, drying equipment, and cleaning products 24/7 so that we can mobilize quickly when a customer or insurance company calls our emergency line about a loss incident.


We know how traumatic fire loss situations can be for Augusta home and business owners, and that is why our SERVPRO team gets trained to address as many of the effects and cleaning procedures as possible on-site. Not only does this showcase our ability to manage losses that can occur, but it also limits the time that our customers have to wait for contents to get returned to their property following the completion of mitigation.

Successful on-site content cleaning for your Augusta home often involves the use of sophisticated equipment like our Esporta Wash System. This unit is a gentler automated cleaning machine that can remove sediment, debris, and contaminants from soft materials and textiles in a fire-damaged property. The portability of the machine allows us to address even widespread concerns without having to pack-out materials to our nearby facility.

We also have capable equipment for deodorization and solvents and detergents for cleaning residues and sediment left behind after fire losses. We have a full-service contracting division that can handle debris removal and controlled demolition during mitigation. Our removal of soot residue protects the affected material from the acidic composition of these carcinogens, and with tools like chemical sponges, we can make fire losses “Like it never even happened” for Augusta homes.

We know how quickly all disasters can leave your home looking far from ordinary. Our prompt response to every emergency can help. We have IICRC-certified technicians accredited in every niche of the restoration industry, and our SERVPRO of Augusta team is ready to help whenever you need it. Give us a call anytime at (706) 750-0200.

Click here to learn more about Augusta. 

Call For Local Augusta Flood Damage Remediation Services

8/31/2019 (Permalink)

Three pieces of SERVPRO equipment on the floor in a living room SERVPRO wants to be there to take away your worries when it comes to your Augusta water damage.

Our technicians have the passion and training to assist your Augusta water damage.

There are many situations which can cause flood damage to your home. Severe storms, snowmelt, and overflowing rivers are just a few of the things that can cause flood damage to any given home. However, due to your unique geographic position, your home is far more likely to experience flood damage from a severe storm or an overflowing river. 

A severe storm swept into the city of Augusta and caused flood damage to many homes, including yours. The weak spot of your roof allowed rainwater to drip and pool in your attic. Sometimes water damage inside of an attic can go unnoticed for some time. However, in the case of your home, the floodwaters left a very noticeable water stain on the ceiling of your office. While the stain may be unpleasant to look at, it certainly helped you find the damage right away, which allowed you to reach out for help just as quickly. 

When you contact SERVPRO, we immediately begin to assemble a team of our expertly trained water damage restoration technicians (WRT) to send to your home. We specialize in water damage remediation and work around your schedule. Whenever you need us, day or night, weekend or day, we can send technicians to your location. Our techs come to you equipped with advanced technology to fight the damage inside of your home effectively and swiftly. Our entire goal revolves around restoring your home, "Like it never even happened." 

Upon arriving, our SERVPRO technicians can get to work straight away. We can remove any insulation that has been soaked through and then throw it away for you, so you do not have to be exposed to the material. After, we can set up a drying environment inside of your attic, using devices designed to encourage evaporation. Some devices our technicians may use to remove any standing water and dry out your attic include...



-Wet/Dry Vacuums


-Ventilation Fans

-Air Movers

Using these devices in conjunction allows for an environment that reduces excess moisture quickly. In some cases, it only takes a few days to finish the job. Once finished, and after we have used an antifungal agent to minimize the chances of mold, we can help you contact a contractor who can install new insulation. 

If you need urgent flood damage restoration services, do not wait. Get in touch with SERVPRO of Augusta by calling (706) 750-0200. No matter the time or day, we are open and ready to take your call. 

If you would like to know more about Augusta, click here.

Hey Augusta! Need Some Mold Removal--Done Right? Call SERVPRO!

5/22/2019 (Permalink)

Moldy Bathroom in Augusta? Why Not Call a Premier Company for Remediation? SERVPRO

SERVPRO Mold Remediation Cleans and Restores the Bathroom Ceiling in No Time for Augusta Homes

The need for mold remediation is common because colonies can occur anywhere there are three essential elements: moisture, optimum temperatures for growth, and food. A source of nutrients can consist of building materials, wood, and items such as books or papers are commonly affected. Organic compounds containing cellulose are readily available to mold spores.

We were called to perform mold remediation on a home in Augusta that had a broken exhaust fan and each long, hot shower taken in the home resulted in warm, moist air trapped in the attic area. Not realizing the mold was coming from a mechanical issue, the homeowner had sprayed the few mold spots he had seen on the ceiling with bleach, and when they disappeared, he assumed the problem was handled, until he started smelling a musty odor.

Why call SERVPRO? Our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) certified technicians are specially trained in the restorative trade to bring a property back to preloss condition and minimize replacement costs to property and contents whenever possible.

Our applied microbial remediation technicians (AMRT) inspected the bathroom ceiling and found the issue was a broken exhaust fan. Mold colonies were actively growing in the area. The bathroom was contained by placing plastic over the doorway and vents. We also shut off the HVAC to stop any further spread of mold spores during the cleanup.

The technicians gently abraded the mold colonies with scrapers and used a small handheld vacuum with a HEPA filter to minimize the chance of cross-contamination. After the mold colony damage was removed, disinfected and deodorized, SERVPRO techs vacuumed and fogged the ductwork with an antifungal agent to exterminate dormant mold spores that could activate and grow if exposed to moisture. Once our cleanup was completed, the homeowner was advised of the suggested repair needed to the exhaust fan so the cycle would never repeat itself.

SERVPRO of Augusta is proud to serve our local community with mold remediation services. We are available 24/7 when you need us at (706) 750-0200.

Here is your local govt website.

Call Our Crew If You Discover A Mold Infestation In Your Augusta Home

4/13/2019 (Permalink)

To make mold damage “Like it never even happened” in your home, give our SERVPRO of Augusta mold remediation specialists a call today.

Is DIY Mold Removal Enough For Your Augusta Home?

While every Augusta homeowner does not want to take part in activities that throw away their hard-earned money, some disasters that impact your home require trained professionals with specialized equipment to restore and recover thoroughly. Mold growth might seem like something that you can handle on your own with a little bit of internet research, but in truth, much of these methods get designed to only target specific types of mold and rarely have the penetrative power to remove an active colony completely.

Many  homeowners in Augusta mistakenly believe that DIY mold removal is as effective as mold remediation. Our SERVPRO team cannot offer “mold removal” as this term is misleading to our customers. Mold spores exist naturally throughout every environment that we encounter throughout the day, making it impossible to remove the presence of mold from your property entirely. Moreover, to attempt to do this is unnecessary.

Mold remediation is a process that isolates active colonization within your property and prevents it from spreading further. Experienced SERVPRO technicians work to remove this spreading organism that has seated into organic materials and surfaces through penetrative methods like soda blasting, sanding, and antimicrobial solutions. If these methods are ineffective, we can also choose to remove the affected material and reconstruct the area.

Another way that mold remediation can differ from DIY mold removal is with disinfection and deodorization of exposed areas and materials. Colonies emit a musty odor as the organism spreads and grows. This odor can penetrate materials, fabrics, furniture, and other contents of your home. Removing this harsh scent entirely requires advanced equipment like our thermal foggers. These machines can release a dense chemical compound that breaks up odor molecules, leaving no discernible scent behind.

While you might wonder if mold remediation is worth it, consider the dangers and risks that you allow for inadequate colony removal. To make mold damage “Like it never even happened” in your home, give our SERVPRO of Augusta mold remediation specialists a call today at (706) 750-0200.

Click here for more about Augusta.

SERVPRO Professionals Will Restore Your Augusta Home

1/18/2019 (Permalink)

Our experts can restore your home interior when water damages carpet.

Efficient Drying for Your Water-Damaged Augusta Home

With water emergencies that begin to spread throughout your Augusta home, you need assurances that professional, certified professionals can arrive quickly with the equipment to help. Often water incidents can affect materials far below the surface level, which often leads to inadequate drying efforts when homeowners attempt to restore damage like this on their own. Our rapid response team can arrive quickly with the industry-leading tools to make a positive difference for the house.

Understanding some of the equipment that our technicians have at their disposal when they address water damage in your Augusta home can showcase our ability to take care of this damage fast. As with any water loss incident, regardless of its size and severity, drying is a critical element to the mitigation and restoration of the property. Our SERVPRO response team has several machines and tools for quick drying and extraction work to protect as much of your property as possible during this disaster.

Extraction and drying efforts go hand-in-hand, and we have advanced equipment designed to remove excess water damage from the affected areas quickly. Our SERVPRO Green Fleet arrives with a truck-mounted pump, gas-powered pumps, portable electric pumps, wet-vacs with extraction wands, and rolling weighted extractors that allow us to be entirely prepared for wherever pooling water might linger.

When it is time to begin drying efforts, our professionals have many tools that can help to make this process easier and more efficient as well. We rely heavily on our air movers, which are high-powered fans that blow hot air and displace moisture in materials, carpeting, and other surfaces throughout the affected areas. Their use gets combined with machines like our LGR dehumidifiers and desiccant dehumidifiers to pull out moisture from the environment for easy removal.

Drying out your home after it has experienced water damage is not something that homeowners alone do adequately. Moisture can penetrate deeply into materials and structural elements, and without proper cleanup and drying, can lead to worsening conditions like mold growth. Give our SERVPRO of Augusta water restoration specialists a call today at (706) 868-5441

Spend the day at the Augusta Museum of History click here for more information.